

Estd : 2007. Government Aided.
Affiliated to The University of Burdwan

  • Purba Bardhaman
    Station Road, Galsi, West Bengal 713406

  • STUDENTS – Galsi Mahavidyalaya




  • Students should maintain discipline in the campus and their conduct should be satisfactory.
  • Students are expected to attend the lectures regularly as per the time table of the college.
  • Students should wear identity card or carry gate pass issued at the time of admission during college hours, including in examination and in all college functions and activities. The students may be required to produce their identity cards whenever required.
  • Students are expected to maintain a minimum attendance of 75% in all the subjects so as to be deemed eligible to appear at the examinations.
  • Students are expected to read all the notices displayed on the notice-boards as well as visit the college website regularly. Though the departments maintain WhatsApp Group but the college doesn’t have any.
  • Students are expected to show mark of respect to the Principal, teachers, staff and their peers.
  • Students should not unnecessarily loiter in the corridors during class hours. Creating disturbance of any sort to hinder teaching and learning is strictly prohibited.
  • Students should not indulge themselves in practicing ragging within the premises.
  • Students should not indulge in taking any sorts of drugs as well as alcohol and tobacco in the institute premises.
  • No society or association should be formed by the students in the institute and no outsider should be invited to address a gathering without the prior permission of the Principal.
  • Students should take proper care of the property of the institute. Any damage done to the property of the institute or disfiguring them is a punishable offence.
  • Students should maintain the cleanliness and eco-friendly, plastic free environment of the campus and should not spit or throw garbage in places other than those meant for it.
  • Students should not resort to any kind of unfair means during the examinations.
  • Students should avail Library facilities by obeying all rules and regulations of the facility.
  • Students should maintain cordiality and indiscriminateness while interacting with their peer.
  • Students are expected not to be engaged in any disruptive and discriminatory activities of any kind including inviting outsiders to enter the campus without knowledge of the Principal and the Faculty. Defiance may lead to strict punitive measures even to rustication.
  • Students are strictly prohibited to engage themselves in unauthorized fund raising of any sort.
  • Students should not consume food and beverages outside the Canteen. Littering the campus is liable to attract punitive measures.
  • Students are expected to imbibe a spirit of belonging and appreciation during the years of their stay in the Institution.
  • Alerts for the students:

  • Smoking, chewing of tobacco or use of intoxicating items in any form within the college campus is strictly prohibited.
  • Use of mobile phones in the corridor or in the classroom for any purpose other than academic is strictly prohibited.
  • Interacting with media representatives on behalf of the college or inviting media personnel within the campus without the permission of the college authority is prohibited.
  • Making audio or video records of class lectures or actions of other students, teachers and staff within the campus is prohibited.
  • Providing audio or video clippings of any activity held within the campus to media or outsiders without permission of the college authority is strictly prohibited.
  • Posting of derogative comments about other inmates of the college on social media platforms or indulging in any such related activities having grave ramification on the reputation of college is strictly prohibited.
  • In the event of a complaint against any student for a possible breach of code of conduct, the disciplinary committee of the college will investigate the matter and recommend possible disciplinary action against the alleged student.