The department of History at Galsi Mahavidyalaya, The University of Burdwan has started its journey in 2007.The department offers ‘General’ courses since the inception of the college in 2007 and ‘Honours’ since 2008.The department maintains a seminar library and museum for the special demands of students.Different activities like excursion, annual reunion, wall magazine and cultural programmes are organized by the department As well as organized so many State, National and International Seminar.All faculty members always engage in papers publication, book publication, and research work. Alumni of the department are well placed in schools, colleges and various government jobs. A small historical Museum is present in the department (In details).
The department of History at Galsi Mahavidyalaya likely envisions fostering a deep understanding of the past to enlighten the present and shape the future. This could include promoting critical thinking, research skills and appreciation for diverse perspective in historical analysis. Additionally it may aim to inspire students to become active contributions to society by applying historical knowledge.
- The History Department aims to make the students aware of the past and its legacies through teaching, research and extension activities in Indian history in the context of world history.
- Transform the students into citizens who are critically informed about the past and its consequences for the present.
- Promote studies in history, society and culture of entire Bengal.
- Empower students to cope with the challenges of globalization by instilling in them a life-long passion for learning about the past.
- The knowledge about the interconnections between the global, national, regional and local history will equip the students to face the challenges with confidence.
- Striking a balance between the spheres of indigenous culture and heritage and thereby producing an ideal citizen of the nation as well as of the world.
- Making the department one of the centres of excellence in the university.