The Philosophy Department of Galsi Mahavidyalaya, one of the newest departments affiliated to the University of Burdwan, started its journey in the year 2011. This department was established as per the high demand for it in the locality. From then this department plays an unique role to fulfil the long standing needs of the common local people. The college is engaged in imparting quality education to the students coming from rural and wide. In the purpose of education that department itself is a progressive department. Here professors can profess their ideas, thoughts with power point, their own imagination. Many students of this department completed their M.A, and others degree. Many students involve themselves into professor – student seminars, college seminars. Many students who pass out from this department have established themselves in the field of employment. The department of Philosophy has been participated in various cultural events and has kept the reputation of Galsi Mahavidyalaya intact for many times.
Advancement of ecologically sustainable and socially relevant learning for academic excellence in the public interest.To develop firm bonding between the society and the institution. Extension of all-round effort by the college to ensure fulfilment of its curriculum and sending timely requisition to the Higher Education Department. Suggestions and corrective measures by the mentors for students as far as practicable for guiding them in academic and stress related matter.
Mission :